Wario and waluigi's REAL!!!

(goes to school)
(stays in the bathroom the whole day on a computer)
(sees people snorting cocaine)
(gets some cocaine)
(snorts a shitload of cocaine)
(kills everybody and twerks)
(schools on fire)
(laughs like a goat)
(duh ground starts shaking)
(notice 3 minutes to reconize ITS A HURRICANE!!!!)
(screams while twerking)
(sees wario and waluigi running)
(chases them)
(has a conversation with them)
(wario says we always shoot people and steal there houses)
(wario and waluigis meh roomate)
(wario cooks waluigi in the oven)
(wario sleeps with a whore)
(wario cooks the whore)
(cops come)
(we run away in a hotel)
(slaps wario)
(wario slaps meh back)
(has bitch slap battel)
(goes to bed at 2 o clock in duh morning)
(wakes up on the floor)
(remembers we hads a party last night)
(warios gone)
(looks around)
(goes down stairs)
(sees wario punching a hooker)
(wario steals her car)
(we ride duh car around the country)
(ats grand canyon)
(car breaks down)
(has to walk home)
(we fight wolfs)
(we make it home)
(we go inside)
(wario runs away)
(chases him)
(gets hit by car)
(wakes up in hospital)
(warios right in front of meh face)
(backs up)
(wario says hi)
me-what the hell happened?
wario-you got hit by a car...
me-where were you going?
(wario runs away like a penis he is)
(6 months later)
(is at home)
(is alone)
(plays super mario bros wii)
(wario comes out of the TV and jumps on meh)
(is squished)
(waluigi comes out of TV)
(waluigi bitch slaps wario)
(wario punches waluigi in the face)
(brick gets thrown at meh)
(wakes up on chair in the kitchen)
(warios eating donuts)
(100000 mc.donalds chicken nuggets on duh tabel)
(eats all chicken nuggets)
(wario thanks meh)
(we go to bar)
(gets drunk and crashes car to gas station)
(gas station explodeds)
(we dieds)
(meh ghost is writing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(wario is best)
for parts 2,3 and mabye 4 go to meh trolllpasta page sleashking and check them out!!!